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Friday Reflections 0609 friday reflections illuminate illuminate group reflection riddle Sep 06, 2024

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 6-8 minutes. Post-read pondering not included. As a Gen X myself I related strongly with this article. The only rule was to come home when the street lights turned on....

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Friday Reflections 3008 ai illuminate illuminate group reflection Aug 30, 2024

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 4-6 minutes. Post-read pondering not included. A brief but interesting one this week. Thank you to the friend who shared it with me. There can be some uncertainty and concern...

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Friday Reflections 2308 friday reflections illuminate illuminate group persevere reflection riddle steve jobs Aug 23, 2024

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps… 

Today’s read is about 3-4 minutes. Post-read pondering not included. Shorter this week - making up for last week’s monster. I’m lucky to be a part of some other people’s...

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Friday Reflections 1608 ai friday reflections illuminate illuminate group reflection riddle Aug 16, 2024

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 12-15 minutes. Post-read pondering not included. Meaty one today – AI and ethics. Topical subject for many, and it can feel like we are sliding down a slippery slope....

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Friday Reflections 1907 ei emotional intelligence friday reflections illuminate illuminate group reflection Jul 19, 2024

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps… 

Today’s read is about 3-5 minutes (there is also a non-essential 4-minute video embedded). Post-read pondering not included. Many of the activities associated with growing Emotional...

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Friday Reflections 1207 ei emotional intelligence friday reflections msceit psychology today reflection Jul 12, 2024

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps… 

Today’s read is about 4-6 minutes. Post-read pondering not included. Agree with the article, however a bit disappointed it doesn’t mention MSCEIT. In my opinion, a better way to test EI....

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